Webinars & Workshops

EHI’s previous webinars

WORKSHOP | Extending energy labelling for existing heating appliance

EU Heating Market Trends

Where do we stand & how to achieve the 2050 climate targets in buildings?

WEBINAR | Pump it up

How thermally driven heat pumps can help decarbonise heating

Heating systems installers: Ready to deliver the energy transition?

Here, we want to highlight the opportunities and barriers that the decarbonisation targets represent for the installing profession, and discuss how actors at EU, national and industry level can support the expanding and upskilling of heating installers.

Hybrid heat pumps, biomethane: renewable heating for the European building stock | 22 June 2022

Are consumers equipped to achieve the decarbonisation of their homes? | 7 December 2021

EHI’s newest study takes a closer look at what drives the decisions when it comes to purchasing a new heating system for their homes: specifically, to what extent does the current energy label help consumers to opt for more efficient and sustainable heating technologies?