A few days ahead of the publication of the Fit for 55 Package, EHI has joined forces with other organisations from the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors to call for a swift decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector, through an annual replacement target for old and inefficient heating and cooling appliances, to favour the uptake of highly-efficient and renewable-based alternatives.

Overall, about 60% of installed appliances in Europe are inefficient and would – according to current labelling standards – fall into label classes C, D, or even lower ones. As current replacement rates stagnate around 4% per year, and even 5% would not be enough to meet our renewed climate ambition, EHI and other partners have urged the adoption of a target of at least 6% annual replacement rate or more, which would help achieve the goals of the Green Deal and support the objectives of the upcoming Fit for 55 Package.

In particular, the initiative highlights that an accelerated replacement of old and inefficient appliances is key to deliver a successful renovation wave and ensure that the heating and cooling dimension is properly tackled when addressing buildings’ decarbonisation.

Please read the full joint statement for more details.
